Publisher | Prints Publications Pvt Ltd |
ISBN-13 | 9789394791305 |
Binding | Paper back |
Number of Pages | 216 Pages |
Language | English |
Dimension (Inches) | 5.5"x8.5" |
Weight (Grams) | 280 |
Subject | Classic Fiction |
Category | Fiction |
A Biographical Sketch of Dale Carnegie | 5 |
How this Book was Written and Why | 15 |
Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most Out of Tis Book | 21 |
PART ONE: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People | 25 |
1. If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick over the Beehive | 25 |
2. Te Big Secret of Dealing with People | 37 |
3. He Who Can Do this has the Whole World with Him | 48 |
PART TWO: Ways to Make People Like You | 65 |
1. Do this and You’ll be Welcome Anywhere | 65 |
2. A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression | 75 |
3. If You Don’t Do Tis, You are Headed for Trouble | 82 |
4. An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist | 89 |
5. How to Interest People | 97 |
6. How to Make People Like You Instantly | 101 |
PART THREE: How to Win People to Your Way of Tinking | 112 |
1. You Can’t Win an Argument | 112 |
2. A Sure Way of Making Enemies—and How to Avoid it | 118 |
3. If You’re Wrong, Admit it | 127 |
4. A Drop of Honey | 134 |
5. Te Secret of Socrates | 141 |
6. Te Safety Valve in Handling Complaints | 146 |
7. How to Get Cooperation | 150 |
8. A Formula that will Work Wonders for You | 155 |
9. What Everybody Wants | 159 |
10. An Appeal that Everybody Likes | 166 |
11. Te Movies Do it. TV Does it…...Why Don’t You Do It? | 171 |
12. When Nothing Else Works, Try this | 175 |
PART FOUR: How to Change People Without Giving Offense | 179 |
1. If You Must Find Fault, Tis is the Way to Begin | 179 |
2. How to Criticize and Not Be Hated for it | 184 |
3. Talk About Your Own Mistakes First | 187 |
4. No One Likes to Take Orders | 191 |
5. Let the Other Person Save Face | 193 |
6. How to Spur People on to Success | 196 |
7. Give a Dog a Good Name | 200 |
8. Make the Fault Seem Easy to Correct | 204 |
9. Making People Glad to Do What You Want | 208 |
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