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Q: How can I submit a manuscript for publication with Prints Publications?

To submit a manuscript for publication, please visit our website and click on the "Publish with Us" tab. You can then fill out the submission form and attach your manuscript as a PDF or Word document.

Q: What types of books and journals do you publish?

A: We publish a wide range of academic and professional books and journals, including textbooks, research monographs, reference books, and peer- reviewed journals in various fields of study.

Q: How long does the publication process take?

A: The publication process can vary depending on the length and complexity of the manuscript, as well as the number of revisions required. Generally, the process takes 6-12 months from submission to publication.

Q: What are your publication fees?

A: We do not charge authors any publication fees. However, we do require authors to cover the cost of copyediting and proofreading, if necessary.

Q: Will my book be available in print or digital format?

A: We offer both print and digital formats for our books and journals. Depending on the manuscript, we may also offer open access options for digital publications.

Q: Will I retain copyright to my work?

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Q: What is the peer review process for journals?

A: Our journals undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, in which the manuscript is reviewed by two or more experts in the field who provide feedback and recommendations for revision.

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