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Ganita Bharati

Published in Association with Bulletin of The Indian Society for History of Mathematics

Current Volume: 44 (2022 )

ISSN: 0970-0307

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Mathematics


Online Access is Free for Life Member


Ganita Bharati, the Bulletin of the Indian Society for History of Mathematics is devoted to publication of significant original articles in history of Mathematics and related areas. Although English is the official language of the journal, an article of exceptional merit written in French, German, Sanskrit or Hindi will also be considered only as a special case.

The ISHM aims to Promote study, research and education in history of mathematics. It provides a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences regarding various aspects of history of mathematics. In addition to the annual conferences, ISHM aims at organizing seminars/symposia on the works of ancient, medieval and modern mathematics, and has been bringing out the bulletin Ganita Bharati. Scholars, Teachers, Students and all lovers of mathematical sciences are encouraged to join the Society.

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Mathematical Review


S.G. Dani

UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
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Kalina, Mumbai 400098, India

Managing Editor
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Ramjas College
University of Delhi
Delhi-110007, India

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Encyclopedia Islamic Foundation
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Science & Engg. Research Institute
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Canada H3A 1Y1

S. C. Bhatnagar

Department of Mathematics
University of Nevada
Las Vegas

Jan P. Hogendljk

University of Utrecht
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Höhenstr. 28
40227 Düsseldorf

Umberto Botttazzni

Universita degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Matematica
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20133, Milano 

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Roskilde University
Section for Philosophy and Science Studies

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University Paris7, 75019,
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University of Tokyo
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J. W. Dauben

The Graduate Centre
CUNY, 33, West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036

Victor J. Katz

University of the D.C.
4200 Connecticut Ave.
N.W.Washington, D.C 20008

M. S. Sriram

Prof. K.V. Sarma Research Foundation
Venkatarathnam Nagar
Adyar, Chennai - 600020


Nachum Dershowitz

Department of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv

Wenlin Li

Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science
Chinese Academy of Science,
No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road,
Haidan District, Beijing, 100190,

Ioannis M. Vandoulakis

The Hellenic Open Unversity
School of Humanities
23, Syngrou Avenue,
GR-11743, Athens, Greece.

Nachum Dershowitz

Department of Computer Science
Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv

Wenlin Li

Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science
Chinese Academy of Science,
No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road,
Haidan District, Beijing, 100190,

Ioannis M. Vandoulakis

The Hellenic Open Unversity
School of Humanities
23, Syngrou Avenue,
GR-11743, Athens, Greece.

Enrico Giusti

Dipartimento di Matematica
Viale Morgagni, 67/A
I-50134 Firenze, Italy

Jean-Paul Pier

Société mathématique du Luxembourg
117 rue Jean-Pierre Michels
L-4243 Esch-sur-Alzette

D. E. Zitarelli

Department of Mathematics
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19/22, USA.

Volume 44 Issue 2 , (Jul-2022 to Dec-2022)

Pre-Eudoxean Geometric Algebra

By: Stelios Negrepontis , Vasiliki Farmaki , Demetra Kalisperi

Page No : 107-152

In the light of our re-interpretation of Plato’s philosophy and of our reconstruction of the proofs of quadratic incommensurabilities by the Pythagoreans, Theodorus, and Theaetetus, in terms of periodic anthyphairesis, we re-examine the Geometric Algebra hypothesis in Greek Mathematics, originally enunciated by Zeuthen and Tannery and supported by van der Waerden and Weil, but challenged by Unguru and several modern historians. Our reconstruction of these proofs employs, for the computation of the anthyphairetic quotient at every step, the solution of a Pythagorean Application of Areas, either in excess or in defect, and is thus qualified as “school algebra” in the spirit of van der Waerden. For the Application of Areas in defect in the Theaetetean Books X and XIII of the Elements, by which the alogoi lines are characterized, the periodic nature of their anthyphairesis is revealed by the Scholia in Eucliden X.135 and 185 and by our re-interpretation of the ill-understood Meno 86e-87b passage. In conclusion, the pre-Eudoxean uses of Applications of Areas fall under the description of “school algebra” solutions of quadratic equations. It is interesting that these early uses stand in sharp contrast to the later uses of more general versions of Application of Areas by Appolonius in his Conic Sections, and which, according to Zeuthen, qualify as Geometric Algebra too, but in the form of pre-Analytic Geometry.

Stelios Negrepontis : Department of Mathematics, Athens University, Athens 157 84, Greece
Vasiliki Farmaki : Department of Mathematics, Athens University, Athens 157 84, Greece
Demetra Kalisperi : Department of Mathematics, Athens University, Athens 157 84, Greece


Price: 251

The “Hundred Fowls” Problem in the Gaṇitasārasaṅgraha of Mahāvīrācārya and Some New Perspectives on the “Kuṭṭaka”

By: Catherine Morice-Singh

Page No : 153-191

Our main goal in this paper is to analyze the two rules for solving “hundred fowls” type of problems described in Mahāvīrācārya’s well-known Gaṇitasārasaṅgraha. This will be done based on two manuscripts that Prof. M. Rangacharya consulted to prepare his edition and translation of the text, in 1912, and which are still available at the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre – Chennai (Madras). One of the manuscripts contains a running commentary in a medieval form of Kannada that is particularly useful for clarifying the steps of the algorithms. It allows us to see how Rangacharya, in an unusual way, deviated for the first example from the solution given in the manuscripts and provided his own solution instead. It will also allow us to appreciate the uniqueness and originality of Mahāvīrācārya’s second rule. We are fortunate that four well-known Sanskrit texts propound independent rules for this type of problems and give as illustration an identical example involving the buying of four species of birds. This is a rare instance that can help us revise previous understandings regarding the meaning of technical terms such as kuṭṭaka and kuṭṭīkāra – usually considered as synonyms and translated as “pulverizers” – and suggest new perspectives.

Catherine Morice-Singh : c/o Laboratoire SPHERE, 8 Rue Albert Einstein, Bâtiment Olympe de Gouge. Université Paris Cité, F-75013 Paris, France


Price: 251

Indian Solutions for Conjunct Pulverisers (lafÜy"Vdqêd) From Āryabhaṭa II to Devarāja

By: Shriram M Chauthaiwale

Page No : 193-204

After canvassing the solutions for indeterminate linear equations (kuṭṭaka), Indian scholars deliberated on the common solution for the two systems of similar equations under the caption “Conjunct Pulverisers (saṃśliṣṭakuṭṭaka).” Āryabhaṭa II, Mahāvīra, Śrīpatī, Bhāskara II, Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita, Kṛṣṇa Daivajña, and Devarāja is the chain of the Indian scholars who explained similar or different methods for extracting the solutions. B. Datta discussed some of these methods, and T. Hayashi commented on Devarāja’s methods. S. K. Ganguli discovered an alternative method from the manuscript copies of Līlāvatī. This paper provides the juxtaposed mathematical formats of the methods after translating the relevant verses. Later, these methods are compared. Illustrations from the referred texts are quoted with answers.

Shriram M Chauthaiwale : Lecturer (Rt) in Mathematics, Amolakchand College, Yavatmal (M.H.)


Price: 251


By: ..

Page No : 205-208

Price: 251

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J.W. Dauben. The first international connexions in history of mathematics: The case of the Encyclopadie. Historia Mathematica, 26: 343-359, 1999.

R.C. Gupta. Sino-Indian interaction and the great Chinese Buddhist astronomer-mathematician I-Hsing. Ganita Bh?rat?, 11: 38-49, 1989. G.H. Hardy. A Mathematician's Apology . Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge, 1988. (Reprinted) E. von Collani. History, State of the Art and Future of the Science of Stochastics. In: Ivor Grattan-Guinness and B.S. Yadav ed. History of The Mathematical Sciences, 171-194. Hindustan Book Agency: New Delhi, 2002.
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