Ganita Bharati
Published in Association with Bulletin of The Indian Society for History of Mathematics
Current Volume: 45 (2023 )
ISSN: 0970-0307
Periodicity: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of Publication: June & December
Subject: Mathematics
Online Access is Free for Life Member
Aryabhatiya 2.19 in a Commentary on Two Examples from Sridhara’s Patiganita: Several Alternative Ways Illustrated
By : Taro Tokutake, Takanori Kusuba
Page No: 151-165
In a commentary on example verse 112 for rule verses 97-98 in the mathematical series of the Patiganita, various solutions of a problem are described. After solving the problem according to the given rule, the commentator shows alternative methods: Aryabhatiya 2.19, linear equations, and rule verses 99-101. Also in the commentary on example verse 113 for rule verses 99-101, he again employs Aryabhatiya 2.19. The present paper has a threefold objective. First, we fully investigate the ways of solving which the commentary exhibits for the two examples. Secondly, we point out particularly where Aryabhatiya 2.19 is applied, although neither the author Aryabhatiya nor the title of his work is cited in the commentary. And thirdly, we study excerpts of rules concerning the bijaganita quoted there.