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Ganita Bharati

Published in Association with Bulletin of The Indian Society for History of Mathematics

Current Volume: 45 (2023 )

ISSN: 0970-0307

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Mathematics


Online Access is Free for Life Member


Treatment of ‘Very large number’ in Cyrillic Numeration

By : Dionisy I. Pronin

Page No: 71-86

The paper is dedicated to signs meaning ‘very large number’, that is, for 10,000 and higher, in Cyrillic. We discuss the manuscript ‘Arithmetics’ (SaintPetersburg, Russian National Library, Titov. 2414) of XVII c. which contains a previously unknown term ‘kony’ and its sign. The data on ‘very large number’ in this and some other manuscripts probably represent the development of The paper is dedicated to signs meaning ‘very large number’, that is, for 10,000 and higher, in Cyrillic. We discuss the manuscript ‘Arithmetics’ (SaintPetersburg, Russian National Library, Titov. 2414) of XVII c. which contains a previously unknown term ‘kony’ and its sign. The data on ‘very large number’ in this and some other manuscripts probably represent the development of new terms and extension of the counting limit. Another manuscript ‘Arithmetics’ (Saint-Petersburg, Russian National Library, Q.IX.46) of mid. XVII c. contains description of three alternative systems of values of numbers called small number, middle number and great number. The last one, the great number had three different variants of values for terms. We distinguish among concepts of numeral-sign and numeral-term, and discuss differences between numeral-signs and signs with meaning ‘very large number; indeterminately large number’new terms and extension of the counting limit. Another manuscript ‘Arithmetics’ (Saint-Petersburg, Russian National Library, Q.IX.46) of mid. XVII c. contains description of three alternative systems of values of numbers called small number, middle number and great number. The last one, the great number had three different variants of values for terms. We distinguish among concepts of numeral-sign and numeral-term, and discuss differences between numeral-signs and signs with meaning ‘very large number; indeterminately large number’.

Author :
Dionisy I. Pronin
Independent Researcher, Russia, Yakutsk.


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