Ganita Bharati
Published in Association with Bulletin of The Indian Society for History of Mathematics
Current Volume: 45 (2023 )
ISSN: 0970-0307
Periodicity: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of Publication: June & December
Subject: Mathematics
Online Access is Free for Life Member
Siddhanta-karana conversion: Some algorithms in the Grahaganitadhyaya of Bhaskara’s Siddhantasiromani and in his Karanakutuhala
By : Kim Plofker
Page No: 93-110
One of the great and unique achievements of Sanskrit mathematical astronomy is its wealth of ingenious approximation formulas to substitute for laborious trigonometric computations. This paper examines some intriguing and highly sophisticated examples of such approximations in the twelfth-century work of Bhaskara (II, Bhaskaracarya).