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Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies

Published in Association with Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies

Current Volume: 57 (2023 )

ISSN: 0022-0043

Periodicity: Quarterly

Month(s) of Publication: March, June, September & December

Subject: Political Science


The ‘Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies’ is a peer reviewed and refereed journal; contributions received for consideration for publication are reviewed by domain experts nominated on the Board of Reviewers.

The journal is intended to serve as an international forum to discuss the problems, processes and prospects of parliamentary democracy and legislative institutions in India and abroad and become a vehicle of advanced and specialized studies in comparative constitutional law and parliamentary procedures. The journal is not committed to any particular political ideology or party. It provides an objective and independent forum for expression of diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

Contributions for the journal are invited from persons belonging to different walks of life: legislators, jurists, political scientists, academicians and lawyers. Contributions should be sent through e-mail at ''. A uniform pattern of footnotes as per Chicago style of referencing should be followed. Contributions simultaneously sent for publication elsewhere will not be entertained. Contributors must send the plagiarism check (similarity index) report generated by Turnitin software along with the manuscript. Manuscripts having similarity index as per the extant regulations will be accepted.

Editor -in -chief
Shri Neeraj Semwal

Managing Editor
Dr. Seema Kaul Singh

Dr. Ravindra Singh

Professor Sushma Yadav

Member, UGC and Pro Vice Chancellor,
Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh, Haryana

Professor Shri Prakash Singh

Professor of Political Science and Director, South Campus,
University of Delhi, Delhi

Professor Amarpal Singh

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya
National Law University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Volume 57 Issue 1-2 , (Jan- to Jun-2023)

Editor's Note

By: ..

Page No : i

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Digital India: Power To Empower e-Governance and e-Parliament

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 1-65

Launched in 2015, Digital India programme aims to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy, ensuring digital access, inclusion and empowerment. Thus the programme has implications for the economy, society, government and administration, justice delivery system, etc. The present article studies the e-Governance aspect of the Digital India programme. After discussing the nine pillars of Digital India programme, the article explains the concept of e-Governance, the benefits accruing therefrom as also the various facets of e-Governance and narrates how e-Governance has significantly reduced government-citizen distance and enabled transparent, corruption-free service delivery to the beneficiaries. Various important government initiatives for e-Governance are also elaborated. Highlighting the requirements of paperless and smart parliament system, the Digital Parliament project has been discussed and the features of e-Office as adopted in Parliament are elucidated. The ambitious National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) software designed to cater to the requirements not only of Parliament but also of legislative assemblies of the states/ UTs has been explained at length.

Price: 101

Digital India: Power To Empower Study of Select Sectors

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 66-119

The present article discusses the ‘Digital India’ programme launched in 2015 by the government, which aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The article discusses how the programme has been transforming the lives of the citizens, has implications for crosssections of the society, and has been revolutionising India’s future. The article has analysed the implications of various initiatives undertaken under the Digital India programme for four sectors of economy, viz., infrastructure, telecommunication, health and agriculture.

Price: 101

Energy Transition in India: Promoting New Paradigm

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 120-157

The article elaborates how India has fulfilled the rapid increase in the demand of energy in various sectors over the years and how India is strategically planning to meet future demands. Article also delves on how, taking consideration of environmental impact of non-renewable resources of energy, India is focusing on shifting from non-renewable sources to renewable sources of energy specially wind and solar energy. Also, the prospects of green hydrogen as a potential energy source at a large scale have also been analysed. The government initiative of shifting towards electric vehicles has also been analysed and the FAME India scheme has been elaborated.

Price: 101

Startup India: New Era of Idea, Investment and Innovation

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 158-211

The article discusses the importance of startup in economic development of a country and discusses the government policy, initiatives and incentives towards developing an effective startup ecosystem. Government efforts to collaborate with other countries for providing assistance, exposure and opportunities to the startups in India are also highlighted. The status of startups in different states of the country has been discussed and the four preferred destinations of startups in the country along with the policies pursued by the respective governments are also elaborated. Article also discusses prominent unicorns and their contribution, the social and economic impacts of startups in India and the challenges faced by them.

Price: 101

Popularising Millets (Shree Anna): A Medium of Holistic Development and Global Well-Being

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 212-253

This article highlights the importance of millets in the present world scenario in general and for India in particular. While explaining the threefold benefits of millets – for farmers as drought resistance crop, consumers as nutritional diet, and the planet as a whole – the article points out why the millets are being called nutri-cereals. How millets can play a big role in nutritional security of India is also explained in the article. Describing the proactive role of Government of India to mainstream millets, initiatives taken up by India to do so and events organised, in India and outside, to popularise millets during the celebration of National Year of Millets 2018 and International Year of Millets (IYoM) 2023 are highlighted in detail in the article. Some of the inspiring stories of the common men, who have worked exceptionally to popularise and highlight the importance of millets, as case studies are covered to inspire others world over in the article. At the end, some of challenges which need to be considered while working on the task to make millets as part of daily diet of common men are also narrated.

Price: 101

Promoting Cultural Tourism: Unique Opportunity for India

By: Research Associates (Lok Sabha Secretariat)

Page No : 254-287

India, with its rich cultural heritage, is strategically positioned to leverage cultural tourism for economic and social development. As it assumes the G20 presidency from December 2022 to November 2023, India has a unique opportunity to showcase its cultural treasures globally. Cultural tourism, now on the G20 agenda, is recognised for its profound influence on economies, societies, and the environment. India’s cultural diversity, ancient traditions, and vibrant heritage have made it a prominent global tourist destination. Events like Kumbh Mela, Pushkar Mela, and Goa Carnival attract both domestic and international tourists. Policies and initiatives such as Visit India, Swadesh Darshan, and E-Visa programmes have played a pivotal role in promoting cultural tourism. Cultural tourism not only fosters economic growth but also empowers communities, particularly women, and aids in preserving cultural assets while contributing to the fight against climate change. Case studies, like the transformation of a village in West Bengal into a cultural tourism destination, highlight the potential for sustainable development through cultural tourism. To harness its potential in cultural tourism, India should emphasise sustainable tourism practices, ecotourism, and comprehensive training for those involved in the tourism sector. This approach will align with global priorities and foster inclusive development.

Price: 101

Instruction to the Author

Guidelines for Contributors

Articles, addressed to the Editor of the journal, for publication in the journal are invited from persons belonging to different walks of life including legislators, jurists, political scientists, academicians, lawyers, etc. The contributions sent for publication in the journal should embody the results of original research giving evidence of scholarship. The contributors must adhere to the patterns of style and format being described below:

  • The contributions may be on any theme relating to the domain of the journal, viz. constitutional and parliamentary studies. References should be as per the Chicago Style and should be in the form of footnotes.
  • The contributions should be of approximately 5,000-6,000 words (not including notes and referencing) and must have an abstract not exceeding 200 words and 5 keywords.
  • The contributions should be typed in single space in the format of 10.5 point text single font -'Times New Roman' and preferably in ‘M.S. Word’ package in English.
  • A separate title page should contain the full title, the name(s) of the contributors and their full addresses and a running title of not more than 75 characters and spaces.
  • The contributions may be mailed to the Editor at ‘'. The contributors should indicate their official designation, if any, and contact details in the forwarding e-mail.
  • Contributions simultaneously sent for publication elsewhere, will not be entertained.
  • All contributions must accompany a statement by the contributor/s that the article including the data contained therein has not been wholly or partially published or sent for review to any other journal.
  • All contributions should accompany duly filled in and signed letter given overleaf.
  • Contributors must send the plagiarism check (similarity index) report generated by Turnitin software along with the article. Contributions having similarity index as per the extant regulations will be accepted.
  • Copyright of the contributions published vests in the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies.
  • The contributors are required to furnish a declaration that provisions of The Copyright Act, 1957 as amended from time-to-time have been complied with and that the contributors shall be solely responsible for any issues arising out of copyright violations.

    Selection of Contributions
  • The journal is peer reviewed and refereed journal; contributions received for consideration for publication are reviewed by domain experts nominated on the Board of Reviewers. Board of Reviewers for the journal comprises of domain experts, professionals, and academicians of repute.
  • The Editorial Board takes a final decision on the contributions in the light of the recommendations of reviewers.

All correspondence related to contributions should be addressed to:
The Editor
Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies,
Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies,
18-21, Vithalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg
New Delhi- 110001


The Editor
Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies
Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies
18-21, Vithalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg
New Delhi- 110001

Subject:      Submission of Article for Consideration for Publication


Please find attached soft copy of my/ our article entitled: “………………………………………………………….” for consideration for publication in the Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies.

I/ We undertake that:

  1. The article is my / our original research work and has not been submitted for publication anywhere else in full or in part.
  2. The work of others used in this article has been duly acknowledged and the citations have been given in the required format.
  3. The article is free from plagiarism and does not violate the principles of intellectual propriety right or copyright as per the latest legal norms and guidelines.

    Thanking you

                                 (Author-1)                         (Author-2)                         (Author-3)

Names:                        …………..                        ……………..                    ………………..
Signatures:                  …………..                        ……………..                    ………………..
E-mail Address:          …………..                        ……………..                    ………………..
Mobile No.                  …………..                        ……………..                    ………………..
Designation:                …………..                        ……………..                    ………………..
Address:                      ……………………….     ……………………….     ………………………

                                    ……………………….     ……………………….     ………………………


The ‘Journal of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies’ is intended to serve as an international forum to discuss the problems, processes and prospects of parliamentary democracy and legislative institutions in India and abroad and become a vehicle of advanced and specialized studies in comparative constitutional law and parliamentary procedures. The journal is not committed to any particular political ideology or party. It provides an objective and independent forum for expression of diverse viewpoints and perspectives.


Contributions for the journal are invited from persons belonging to different walks of life: legislators, jurists, political scientists, academicians and lawyers. For ‘Guidelines for Contributors’ and other details about the journal, kindly refer ‘ICPS Journals’ at the Institute’s Website ( All communications including forwarding of soft copies of the articles along with certificate of originality, plagiarism report may be forwarded at


Constitution of India, Comparative Constitutions, Parliamentary Institutions and Procedures, Governance, Elections, Public Policy, etc.

Subject Covered:

Political Science and Law

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Quarterly (March, June, September and December)

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