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Journal of Psychosocial Research

Current Volume: 19 (2024 )

ISSN: 0973-5410

e-ISSN: 0976-3937

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Psychology

DOI: 10.32381/JPR


Gender Differences in Self-Presentation Tactics among Urban Youth of Kolkata City

By : Sweta Saraff, Malabika Tripathi

Page No: 171-178

Self-Presentation impacts the personality as well as social cognition of an individual. This paper discusses various self-presentation tactics that an individual utilizes to present themselves accordingly in front of others. The present paper explores selfpresentation tactics among urban youth to see how each of the dimensions differ among male and female. The participants are college students (N=60), within an age range of 18-25, including 30 males and 30 females. The Self-Presentation Tactic Scale (Lee et al.,1999) was administered to measure the dimensions of selfpresentation. The study findings revealed significant differences among males and females in each of the dimensions of the Self-Presentation Tactic Scale. Results suggest that male use more tactics to impress others in comparison to females. The result table reflects that the t stat values for excuse (10.15), justification (11.53), disclaimer (9.51), self-handicapping (11.69), apology (8.85), ingratiation (5.00), intimidation (8.96), supplication (9.59), entitlement (10.47), enhancement (10.54), blasting (11.21) and exemplification (13.05) respectively, are greater than the t critical two-tail. Thus, self-presentation and its multitude dimensionality provide an indepth understanding of gender differences in attitude and consequent behaviours.

Authors :
Sweta Saraff
Ph.D. Assistant Professor – Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Kolkata.

Malabika Tripathi
Ph.D., Assistant Professor – Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Kolkata.


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