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Journal of Psychosocial Research

Current Volume: 19 (2024 )

ISSN: 0973-5410

e-ISSN: 0976-3937

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Psychology

DOI: 10.32381/JPR


Criminal Behaviour: Role of Intelligence, Family Relationships and Society

By : Ruchi Dubey Chaturvedi, Aanya Consul, Aditi Gursahani, Namita Nair

Page No: 439-449

This research aims to understand the factors which predispose people to commit criminal acts. The focus is on exploring familial factors, societal factors, and individual factors like intelligence, in relation to criminal behaviour. Qualitative Analysis involving Case Study method which was used by using a semi-structured, open-ended interview schedule. Raven’s Progressive Matrices, a culture free IQ test, was used to assess participant’s intelligence. The sample comprised of five Indian adults (four males and one female), age range between 20-50 years. The participants were serving jail terms, convicted for different criminal acts. The analysis of the results led to the emergence of some common themes involving participant’s dysfunctional family relationships and early socialisation process, adverse life experiences with inadequate resources, anti-social role models, vicarious learning with poor judgements and neighbourhood where criminal acts were rampant. They felt that they were facing wrongful detention and desired living lives with high moral and religious values. Further, the participant’s intelligence was lower than average.

Authors :
Ruchi Dubey Chaturvedi
Vice Principal & Associate Professor – Department of Psychology, Jai Hind College (Autonomous), Mumbai, India.

Aanya Consul
TYBA Psychology Students, Batch 2021-22 – Department of Psychology, Jai Hind College (Autonomous), Mumbai, India.

Aditi Gursahani
TYBA Psychology Students, Batch 2021-22 – Department of Psychology, Jai Hind College (Autonomous), Mumbai, India.

Namita Nair
TYBA Psychology Students, Batch 2021-22 – Department of Psychology, Jai Hind College (Autonomous), Mumbai, India


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