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Journal of Psychosocial Research

Current Volume: 19 (2024 )

ISSN: 0973-5410

e-ISSN: 0976-3937

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Psychology

DOI: 10.32381/JPR


Navigating an Unpredictable Journey: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study of the Experiences of Dementia Caregivers

By : Suzanne Parkman

Page No: 223-237

With the increasing incidence of dementia globally, the proliferation of older adults has placed strains on the formal healthcare system to the point that many persons with dementia are cared for at home by informal caregivers. The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of informal caregivers, based on a constructivist Grounded Theory methodology, exploring the research question: How do dementia caregivers perceive their experience and the effect it has on their quality of life? Indepth interviews were conducted with six informal caregivers. Participant perspectives of dementia caregiving revealed the themes of: Isolation; Loss of control; Collapsed future; Grieving; and Keeping it together. The findings from this study provide insight into the individual experiences of dementia caregivers. It is a beginning step to building a therapeutic model of caregiver support to prevent burnout, feelings of hopelessness, and perception of captivity in the caregiver role.

Author :
Suzanne Parkman
PhD, R.N., CNE, Assistant Professor of Nursing – University of Southern Maine, 96 Falmouth St, Portland, ME 04103


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