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Journal of Psychosocial Research

Current Volume: 19 (2024 )

ISSN: 0973-5410

e-ISSN: 0976-3937

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Psychology

DOI: 10.32381/JPR


Social Engagement of Women Self-Immolation Attempt Survivors in India: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis


By : Ashwini Nataraja Vanishree

Page No: 105-125

Self-Immolation refers to the act of burning oneself, and is considered a fatal method of suicide. The study aimed to explore the lived experiences of women SelfImmolation Attempt Survivors (SIAS) during their social engagements in the Indian context. The study explored both women SIAS’ feelings, attitudes, and behaviours, and those of others during social engagement. The study used semi-structured interview method to collect data from seven women SIAS in the long-term rehabilitation phase of recovery. All the women SIAS lived in Karnataka, a Southern State of India when self-immolation occurred, and stayed there even after the hospitalization for burns recovery. Data was collected in the language of Kannada, the native language of Karnataka. Interviews were audio-recorded with consent from women SIAS. Interviews were first transcribed in Kannada, and later translated to English. The data was subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. The accounts of seven women Self-Immolation Attempt Survivors (SIAS) clustered around the following six super-ordinate themes with several sub-ordinate themes: Self-Isolation; Unpleasant feelings experienced by SIAS due to others’ behaviour; Prejudice and discrimination towards SIAS; Unhelpful behaviours of others towards SIAS; Healthy coping mechanisms adopted by SIAS; Social acceptance of SIAS. Implications of the study are discussed as well.

Author : 
Ashwini Nataraja Vanishree
PhD Scholar, Department of Psychology – Founder-Director, MUKTHA Foundation, Organization Committed to Prevent Abuse by Promoting Mental Health.


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