Journal of Psychosocial Research
Current Volume: 19 (2024 )
ISSN: 0973-5410
e-ISSN: 0976-3937
Periodicity: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of Publication: June & December
Subject: Psychology
DOI: 10.32381/JPR
Effect of Mindfulness on Self-concept, Self-esteem and Growth Mindset: Evidence from Undergraduate Students
By : Sweta Saraff, Rishipal, Akanksha Tiwari
Page No: 329-340
Role of mindfulness is cardinal for students’ holistic growth that is not only limited to education but also for social and emotional development. This paper discusses the importance of mindfulness as an intervention to students in a group. The present study aims to demonstrate the impact of intervention of mindfulness-based approach in developing the positive self-concept, self-esteem and growth mindset in first year college students, divided in three different groups namely control group, treatment group 1 and treatment group 2 respectively. The results found show a significant increase in the self-concept, self-esteem and growth mindset of college students of the treatment group 2 as compared to that of the control group. The efficacy of campus-based training is also discussed.
Authors :
Sweta Saraff : Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University Kolkata.
Akanksha Tiwari : Research Scholar – Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences, Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana
Rishipal : Professor Pedagogy – Dean Humanities and Applied Sciences, Shri Viswakarma Skill University, Haryana.