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Journal of Psychosocial Research

Current Volume: 19 (2024 )

ISSN: 0973-5410

e-ISSN: 0976-3937

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: June & December

Subject: Psychology

DOI: 10.32381/JPR


A Case Study on the Neuropsychological correlates of Behaviour of a Child in conflict with law

By : Saranya Banerjee, Priyanka Paul, Sanjukta Das

Page No: 181-191

The sudden accentuation in the rate of juvenile crimes has become a matter of perturbance for the nation. Significance of the various negative psychosocial factors has been the cornerstone of the research revolving around this group. Neuropsychological functioning of children in conflict with law has largely been disregarded in our nation and the available research mostly emphasised on the functioning of the prefrontal cortex whereas the role of the subcortical structures in this domain has been overlooked. After the identification of this lacuna in most of the studies, a complete neuropsychological profile of a child in conflict with law was formulated and integrated with his early and cultural experiences.

Authors :
Saranya Banerjee : Junior Research Fellow – University Grants Commission, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta.
Priyanka Paul : Junior Research Fellow – Department of Science and Technology – Cognitive Science Research Initiative, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta.
Sanjukta Das : Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta.


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