Journal of Indian Ocean Studies-A UGC-CARE Listed Journal
Published in Association with Society of Indian Ocean Studies (SIOS)
Current Volume: 32 (2024 )
ISSN: 0972-3080
Periodicity: Tri-annual
Month(s) of Publication: April, August & December
Subject: Political Science & International Affairs
DOI: 10.32381/JIOS
Online Access is free for Life Member
Regional Geopolitics at the India-China Border
By : Krishnendra Meena
Page No: 145-153
Author : Krishnendra Meena is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development, JNU, New Delhi. His research interests include Borders, BRICS, and the Indian Ocean region. He has widely published on these topics—both at home and abroad—and has authored a book titled “British Geopolitics in the South Atlantic.” Currently the Secretary General, SIOS, he is also associated with the Global Governance Network of IDOS, Bonn; Global Diplomacy Lab Germany; and the BMW Foundation.