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Journal of Indian Ocean Studies-A UGC-CARE Listed Journal

Published in Association with Society of Indian Ocean Studies (SIOS)

Current Volume: 32 (2024 )

ISSN: 0972-3080

Periodicity: Tri-annual

Month(s) of Publication: April, August & December

Subject: Political Science & International Affairs

DOI: 10.32381/JIOS

Online Access is free for Life Member


Countering Red Sea Crisis Signals Evolving ‘Collective’ Security in Indian Ocean

By : N. Janardhan

Page No: 47-57

The quadruple whammy in West Asia since late 2023 – Israel-Gaza war and Red Sea crisis involving Al Houthis, Somali piracy, and Israel-Iran deterrence show – has tested India’s equidistant foreign policy. While New Delhi has been diplomatically neutral on the political context of the crises, it has been actively involved, especially in the Red Sea and Somali piracy crises, with its navy playing a significant role to protect its own national interests. In the process, it has also helped, along with others, the global cause of free passage of trade in the Indian Ocean. This article analyses the developments that have bolstered India’s evolving tag as a ‘regional security provider’. It also urges India to be mindful of West Asia, especially the Gulf countries, now preferring a multi aligned policy while dealing with the United States and China, which is likely to make it a part of an evolving ‘collective’ security architecture rather than be its ‘chief’ architect.

Author : Dr N. Janardhan, with over 25 years of regional expertise, he analyses and unravels the evolving multi-dimensional partnerships between the countries of the Gulf and Asia. He is the Director, Research and Analysis Department, Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy, Abu Dhabi. The last of his four books was The Arab Gulf’s Pivot to Asia: From Transactional to Strategic Partnerships. Dr Janardhan is also an adjunct professor at the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po, non resident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and Managing Assistant Editor of the Journal of Arabian Studies. He is a regular contributor to international think tank activities, academic publications and media outlets.


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