Indian Foreign Affairs Journal
Published in Association with Association of Indian Diplomats
Current Volume: 19 (2024 )
ISSN: 0973-3248
e-ISSN: 2229-5372
Periodicity: Quarterly
Month(s) of Publication: March, June, September & December
Subject: Political Science & International Affairs
DOI: 10.32381/IFAJ
ORAL HISTORY Recollections of a Senior Diplomat (in conversation with Rajiv Chander)
By : Lakhan Mehrotra, Rajiv Chander
Page No: 254-272
Author :
Rajiv Chander : He is one of the most distinguished officers of the Indian Foreign Service who excelled in various capacities, including as India’s Consul General in St. Petersburg and Vancouver; Director SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu; Ambassador to Ukraine; and as Permanent Representative of India to the UN in Geneva. As Desk Officer at MEA’s Headquarters, Ambassador Rajiv Chander has accumulated experience of India’s neighbourhood, including the countries covered in the Oral History.