Indian Foreign Affairs Journal
Published in Association with Association of Indian Diplomats
Current Volume: 19 (2024 )
ISSN: 0973-3248
e-ISSN: 2229-5372
Periodicity: Quarterly
Month(s) of Publication: March, June, September & December
Subject: Political Science & International Affairs
DOI: 10.32381/IFAJ
India-Canada Relations: a Roller-Coaster Ride
By : Prem K. Budhwar
Page No: 2-10
Author :
Prem K. Budhwar
He was served as India’s High Commissioner to Canada for nearly five years from 1992 to 1997. He was commissioned by the Indian Council of World Affairs to do a special study on Canada, and his book Canada-India: Partners in Progress, was published in 2016.