Indian Foreign Affairs Journal
Published in Association with Association of Indian Diplomats
Current Volume: 19 (2024 )
ISSN: 0973-3248
e-ISSN: 2229-5372
Periodicity: Quarterly
Month(s) of Publication: March, June, September & December
Subject: Political Science & International Affairs
DOI: 10.32381/IFAJ
India and the UN @ 75: Some Thoughts
By : Vijay Nambiar
Page No: 286-291
Author :
Nalin Surie
He is presently a Distinguished Fellow at the Delhi Policy Group, is a former Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs and a former Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the UN at New York. He has been India’s Ambassador to Poland, China, and High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. He was also the Director General of the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA).