Indian Foreign Affairs Journal
Published in Association with Association of Indian Diplomats
Current Volume: 19 (2024 )
ISSN: 0973-3248
e-ISSN: 2229-5372
Periodicity: Quarterly
Month(s) of Publication: March, June, September & December
Subject: Political Science & International Affairs
DOI: 10.32381/IFAJ
The Indian Ocean and Smart Ports
By : Vijay Sakhuja
Page No: 207-220
Author :
Vijay Sakhuja
He is a former Director, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi. He is currently Visiting Senior Fellow, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, (CICP) Phnom Penh, as also Consultant with Vivekananda International Foundation, the Indian Council of World affairs, and the Kalinga International Foundation, all in New Delhi.