
Current Volume: 37 (2024 )

ISSN: 0970-2830

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: January & July

Subject: Language & Literature

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET

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G. B. Shaw: “A Male Feminist” in his Non-Dramatic Works

By : Radhashyam Dey

Page No: 102-107

Charge against literature that it is of no practical utility and it encourages people to be fanciful is not new. Plato’s Republic is full of charges against literature. Also many great minds have defenses for the need and utility of it. Plato’s disciple Aristotle defended literature with some solid arguments. In our time G.B. Shaw showed us through his literature how it could pave the way to social betterment. Women Empowerment is a burning issue of today. Shaw in his literature championed the cause of women. G.B. Shaw though is labelled a misogynist, interestingly in many ways fought for the rights of women. So, through literature Shaw served the practical purposes and succeeded in making his works relevant.

Author :
Radhashyam Dey
Asst. Prof. of English, Yogoda Satsanga Mahavidyalaya, Jagannathpur, P.O-Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 (Jharkhand).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2022.35.01.13

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