Current Volume: 37 (2024 )
ISSN: 0970-2830
Periodicity: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of Publication: January & July
Subject: Language & Literature
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET
Online Access is Free for all Life Members of Poetcrit
The Concept of the Past: “The Forgotten Boredom” in the Poetry of Philip Larkin
By : Dr. K. Rajamouly
Page No: 41-52
Larkin as man and poet finds time as man’s element. Time is not an abstract idea but a moving force. Life is rooted in time with “eroding agents”. Life initiating with birth looks into the future as seen from childhood. It traverses from the future to the present and finally to the past. Time is practical for him as fate to a fatalist, reason for a rationalist and the divine to a theist or spiritualist. Time has mysterious powers to turn life into mortality and futility. In life, birth initiates childhood to have all expectations about the future, proceed to manhood or womanhood to find them unfulfilled in the present that turns into the past. He treats the past as the uneventful experience. He considers childhood in his middle age “forgotten boredom” and “unspent”. His poetry reflects the past sans sentimentality.
Author :
Dr. K. Rajamouly
Professor and Head, Department of English (S.H), Ganapathy Engineering College, Warangal has forty-five books to his credit. He has three books of criticism, ten books of short stories, nine novels, five books of poetry to his credit, three research books on functional grammar, and nine books on ELT. He is widely anthologised at home and abroad. His critical articles, poems and reviews have been published in leading journals of English like Contemporary Vibes, CLRI, Muse India, Poetcrit, Metaverse Muse, TRIVENI, Ruminations, Creation and Criticism, Kakatiya Journal of English Studies, Edu Tracks, Satavahana Journal of English Studies, Music and other journals.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2022.35.01.5