
Current Volume: 37 (2024 )

ISSN: 0970-2830

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: January & July

Subject: Language & Literature

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET

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Vivekananda (The Voice of India): A Study of Dialogues on Awakening

By : Abnish Singh Chauhan

Page No: 28-33

Abstract :
R.M. Prabhulinga Shastry’s Vivekananda (The Voice of India) is a three-act play based on awakening dialogues on the being, the super-being, the Almighty, the soul, the world, Maya, duty, education, knowledge, marriage, truth, consciousness, love, sage or rishi, life, death, birth, rebirth, ultimate purpose of life, etc., for blissful living. In fact, these vivid and colorful dialogues on various subjects of socio-cultural and spiritual values are courteously taken from the real speeches of Swami Vivekananda, who himself is the most significant character of this play, and are intimately and intensely revealed during his communication with the other fictitious characters hailing from different parts of the world. The play, particularly through asking and answering questions, distinctively reproduces the practical philosophy of life as revealed in the Vedic literature for the thoughtful development of the global audience.

Author :
Abnish Singh Chauhan
Dr Abnish Singh Chauhan (1979), the editor of two online journals– Creation and Criticism and IJHER and a Hindi magazine– Poorvabhas (iwokZH;kl), is presently serving as a Professor and Principal, BIU College of Humanities & Journalism, Bareilly International University, Bareilly. He has authored a number of books including Swami Vivekananda: Select Speeches, Speeches of Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose: A Comparative Study, The Fictional World of Arun Joshi: Paradigm Shift in Values and Tukda Kagaz Ka (A collection of Hindi Lyrics).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2022.35.01.3

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