
Current Volume: 37 (2024 )

ISSN: 0970-2830

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: January & July

Subject: Language & Literature

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET

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Patriotic Rebellion in Basavaraj Naikar’s Rayanna, the Patriot

By : Kh. Kunjo Singh

Page No: 1-7

The novella Rayanna, the patriot (2015) by Basavaraj Naikar deals with patriotic rebellion of Rayanna, the hero of Kittur kingdom of South India in the second decade of the nineteenth century. With the defeat of the Kittur kingdom, the heroic Rani Chennamma and her confidants were imprisoned. Young Rayanna’s father and many other soldiers were slaughtered. Rayanna wanted to reinstate the Rani to the throne of Kittur by fighting against the Company Sarkar. Rayanna started organizing his own army. He joined hands with other rebel patriots. In his effort to make rebellion, he killed some betrayers and looters who used the name of Rani Chennamma and Raja Mallasarja. Rayanna’s party started their rebellion with the looting of Government treasuries in Bidi village and Sangolli. They invested the money in recruiting soldiers and strengthening their army. While Rayanna was planning for a great rebellion against the Company Sarkar some treacherous soldiers in his army were bribed by the Company Sarkar. So he was trapped easily by his bodyguards. On 16 December 1830 Rayanna was hanged by the British authority. Some of his confidants were also hanged. The rebellion ended in smoke, but the patriotic spirit and zeal of Rayanna and his soldiers is still preserved in the history of India and given due honour by the Indians.

Author :
Dr. Kh. Kunjo Singh: Former Head, Dept. of English, Manipur Central University, Canchipur – 795003

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2024.37.02.1

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