
Current Volume: 37 (2024 )

ISSN: 0970-2830

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: January & July

Subject: Language & Literature

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET

Online Access is Free for all Life Members of Poetcrit


Home Nowhere: Plight of the Displaced in Amitav Ghosh’s The Circle of Reason

By : Samshad N. Sheikh, Dilip K. Jena

Page No: 17-22

‘Home’ occupies a pivotal place in every individual’s life as it provides stability, security, comfort, and harmony along with the sense of orientation. Consequently, everyone craves for his/her own home. Their longing for a better home makes them displace from their native place and they become a part of diaspora. But quite contradictory, when they land on the alien shore, they find it difficult to assimilate the new socio-economic and political conditions. Gradually, their illusions about better habitat prove to be deceptive. Time and again, they encounter precarious conditions. They fail to reconstruct a home of their dream in the alien locale. Amitav Ghosh has realistically portrayed the plight of the displaced people in his debut novel, The Circle of Reason. The present paper tries to bring to the fore the pathetic condition of the diasporic people, who live on the margin: truly, they belong to nowhere.

Authors :
Samshad N. Sheikh

Assistant Professor C. J. Patel Arts & Commerce College, Tirora (MS).

Dilip K. Jena
Assistant Professor, N. M. D. College, Gondia (MS)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2019.32.02.3

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