
Current Volume: 37 (2024 )

ISSN: 0970-2830

Periodicity: Half-Yearly

Month(s) of Publication: January & July

Subject: Language & Literature

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET

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The ‘Holy Constitution’, Corruption and Liberation in R. K. Singh’s Tainted with Prayers

By : Queen Sarkar

Page No: 74-78

Tainted with Prayers, by eminent Indian Poet R. K. Singh, embodies the voices of dissent against the stringent subjugation and atrocities inflicted by the political authorities. From taking up the issues of territoriality to marginality, unsparing male ego to the throes of violence and insecurity, Singh’s poems speak for the disenfranchised. The collection captures everything from personal experiences to global trauma. Across the expanse of his poetry, R.K. Singh combines the seriousness of issues with a degree of playfulness to acknowledge the dilemmas of the armored self. The poems in this collection invite us to a space of interactive encounter with the self, disclosing the disquieting narratives created by us. Considering the fecundity of his poetic oeuvre, the review essay is an attempt to focus on the political, cultural, stylistic, and aesthetic nuances of Singh’s latest collection of poetry titled Tainted with Prayers.

Author :
Queen Sarkar
Queen Sarkar is an Assistant Professor of Communication at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kakkanad, Kochi, India- 682039. She has done her Ph.D. in Contemporary Indian English Poetry from IIT Kharagpur. Her paper titled “A Song for Every Voice: Tales of Dissent in Karthika Nair’s Until the Lions” got selected in the 2018 KFLC: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Conferences, organized by The University of Kentucky, Lexington. In addition to this, she has also presented and published her papers in reputed International Journals, and poems in International anthologies. She has worked on New Zealand literature and the precarious existence of women in the sex industry and its subculture during her M.Phil. She has also played the character of “Lata” for Indian Director, playwright, actor, and writer, Mahesh Dattani’s Play Dance Like a Man, organized by the Department of English, Banaras Hindu University.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2020.33.02.10

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