Current Volume: 37 (2024 )
ISSN: 0970-2830
Periodicity: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of Publication: January & July
Subject: Language & Literature
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET
Online Access is Free for all Life Members of Poetcrit
Anguish of a Progressive Humanist
By : Rama Rao Vadapalli V. B.
Page No: 34-46
Author :
Rama Rao Vadapalli, V. B.
He is retired professor of English, ELT specialist, poet, critic and translator of wide renown from Andhra Pradesh. Contact: D-II-4-002, NTP Colony, Post - Hotagi Station (MH)-413 215.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32381/POET.2020.33.01.6