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Deprivation and Social Comparison

Author: Asoke Kumar Saha

Publisher: Prints Publications Pvt Ltd

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Publisher Prints Publications Pvt Ltd
Publication Year 2022
ISBN-13 9788192769479
Binding Hard back
Number of Pages 99 Pages
Language English
Edition 1st
Dimension (Inches) 5.5"x8.5"
Weight (Grams) 300
Subject Psychology
Category Society & Social Sciences

This book is an outcome of a major review on deprivationand social comparison started from 1950s and onward. This present book has described the introduction of deprivation,different theories of relative deprivation, relative deprivation and social movement, Bowlby’s psychological understanding ofdeprivation, Augustine’s views of deprivation, social deprivation, relative and absolute deprivation, theoretical construct of relative deprivation, definition of relativedeprivation theory, cultural deprivation, political deprivation,economic deprivation, critical analysis of deprivation studies, and deprivation of liberty and its critical understanding in relation to social, economic and political deprivation. The book also discussed the consequences of deprivation and socialcomparison along with examples and reality in different culture and geographical locations.

The book also focuses on the relative deprivation of Hindusamong different caste systems (Brahmin and Sudra) in Bangladesh. The results provided confirmation to all hypothesesformulated. It was found that regardless of sex and residentialbackground, Brahmin participants expressed higher gratification and Sudra participants expressed higher deprivation. A two-way interaction involving caste and sex was statistically significant. A three-way interaction involving caste, sex and residential background was also statistically significant. Brahmin male participants expressed significantly higher gratification as compared to female participants. Whereas Sudra male participants perceived significantly higher fraternal relativedeprivation as compared to female participants.

Asoke Kumar Saha

Dr. Asoke Kumar Saha- is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, and Ex-Chairman of the same Department. He was also working as a Proctor of the Jagannath University (2011-2014). He has been implementing a project titled “Advanced Teaching-Learning in Psychology (ATLP)” and HEQEP Supplementary Project as a Sub-Project Manager of HEQEP-UGC-World Bank. He did his BSc (Hons) in 1987 and MSc (Thesis) in 1988 from the Department of Psychology at Rajshahi University. He was awarded D.Phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Psychology from the UGC Centre for Advanced Study in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Allahabad University, India in 2002. He had received the Centrally Awarded Doctoral Fellowship by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India. Dr. Saha is internationally known accomplished teacher, researcher, educationist and a development worker in the area of psychology, management and development issues. He has contributed in different national and international journals and published 56 research articles. He is also a reviewer of different national and international journals. He has several books of his authorship including “Social Identity and Group Decision Making” published by Authors Press, New Delhi, and Social Psychology published from Dhaka. He also published a book titled ‘Human Resource Management’ from Dhaka. Dr. Saha has published several chapters in major volumes, including a chapter in the book titled “Merging Past, Present & Future”, Swets and Zeitlinger of Lisse, The Netherlands, Minority and Human Rights in Bangladesh by Authors Press, New Delhi, Idea of Excellence and Emerging Contours of Excellence published by Punjab University, India in 2015 and in 2017. Dr. Saha has presented 40 research papers in National and International Conference. Dr. Saha has visited India, Nepal, UAE, USA, and Russia etc. Dr. Saha has received 20 research projects so far from different organizations, i.e. World Bank, HEQEP, MOST, MoE, UGC, SSRC, and ICSSR etc. He has started his career with the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) in 1993. He has multidisciplinary experience working with partner organizations of the World Bank, WFP, UNDP, Merlin International, WHO, Action Aid, and Christian Aid, etc. He has also worked for Disaster Management (Emergency Flood Relief and Rehabilitation) with several donors’ organization. Dr. Saha has consultative experience with several development organizations in the country and abroad. He is a member of different professional and academic bodies in the country and abroad. Dr. Saha is currently reviewing as well as editorial members, advisors of several international journals. Dr. Saha was the Editor-in-Chief, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology (2015-2018)- which is a peer review journal. (E-mail:,

S No.







Executive Summary






Introduction and Theoretical Understanding of Deprivation 



1. Introduction



2. What is relative deprivation



3. Relative deprivation and social movement



4. Bowlby’s psychological understanding of deprivation



5. Augustine’s views of deprivation



6. Social deprivation



7. Relative and absolute deprivation



8. Theoretical construct of relative deprivation



9. Definition of relative deprivation theory



10. Cultural deprivation



11. Political deprivation



12. Economic deprivation



13. Critical analysis of deprivation studies



14. Deprivation of liberty






Socio-Cultural Background of Bangladesh and West Bengal 



1. West Bengal and Bangladesh



2. Partition of India



3. Partition of and Emergence of Bangladesh






Emergence and Development of Hindu Caste System 



1. Rationale of the study



2. Hypothesis






Development and Objectives of the Study 



1. Analysis and Results






Methods and Practices 



1. Design



2. Sample



3. Mode of sample selection



4. Material Used



5. Procedure






Analysis and Results 



1. Main effects



2. Interaction effect






Discussion and Conclusion 









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